Service Dog Vest

We are the leading distributor of Service Dog Vests and Service Dog Supplies. 


Thank you for visiting our store and we hope you find the information helpful. 




Service dog patches can be sewn to your service dog vest to identify your dog as a service dog, therapy dog, working dog, police dog, search and rescue dog to name a few. 


A Service Dog patch can be used to describe the service your dog performs such as, medical alert dog, guide dog, hearing dog, seizure alert dog, diabetic alert dog, PTSD dog, Psychiatric dog etc. 


Service dog patches can also be used to inform others that your dog is working do not pet him, that he is friendly and it is ok, or to ask first.






It is fraudulent to represent your dog as a service animal if it is not. Please don’t do it!

Although service dog vests are not required by ADA Law, persons with service animals find it easier  to outfit their dog in a service dog vest.  It instantly shows the place you are entering that your dog is a service dog and has the right to accompany you.  Simply put it helps to avoid confrontation.  We will not sell any service animal supplies for a pet dog.

If you have further questions about service animals or other requirements of the ADA, you may call the U.S. Department of Justice's toll-free ADA Information Line at 800-514-0301 (voice) or 800-514-0383 (TDD).

Service Dog Supplies and Service Dog Accessories  Service Dog Supplies and Service Dog Accessories